• Tooth Colored Composite Fillings

    One of the most common dental problems is compromised tooth structure due to decay. When caught early, decayed tooth structure can be removed and the tooth “filled” with a strong, bio-compatible tooth colored material known as composite.

  • Periodontal Therapy

    Signs of periodontal (gum) disease may include bleeding or red and puffy gums, bad breath, or recession. To treat periodontal disease, we remove tartar buildup that has accumulated beneath the gums. This decreases inflammation and allows the tissue to heal.

  • Crowns

    Dental crowns cover the remaining healthy tooth structure of a compromised tooth in order to restore its strength, shape, functionality and appearance. Often referred to as “caps,” crowns may be used to replace a large filling when only minimal tooth structure remains or to protect a fractured tooth.

  • Bridges

    Dental bridges are designed to “bridge” a gap created by a missing tooth or teeth. Using the teeth on either side of the missing tooth as support, a bridge is cemented in place. Bridges are a great option to restore function as well as esthetics!

  • Implant Restorations

    If you are missing a tooth, a dental implant is an excellent solution for replacement. At Shawnee Hills Dental, we will help you navigate the process of having an implant placed and complete the visible portion of the implant to restore your smile!

  • Tooth Extractions

    Helping you maintain your natural teeth is our goal, however sometimes it is necessary to extract an unhealthy tooth. Based on the shape of the tooth needing extraction and the surrounding bone, we will discuss whether the extraction is best handled in our office or if a referral to an oral surgeon is recommended.