• Comprehensive Exams

    Our Comprehensive Oral Exams include a review of your medical history, a visual examination of your teeth, an oral cancer and tissue health screening, a gingival (gum) health screening, intraoral photos, and digital x-rays. Dr. Esber will always take the time to review these items with you and answer your questions!

  • Sealants

    Brushing and flossing are always the first defense against tooth decay, but there are often nooks and crannies in teeth that a toothbrush bristle just can’t clean. Sealants are a thin protective coating that bond to the chewing surface of your back teeth to prevent decay from forming in these areas.

  • Dental Cleanings

    Prevention is the best medicine! Regular dental cleanings utilize a combination of hand scaling, coronal polishing, and flossing to remove plaque, tartar, and biofilm to help keep your teeth and gums healthy. Dr. Esber will discuss any recommendations or product suggestions that will best optimize your at-home care routine as well!

  • Sports Mouthgards

    As a fourth year dental student, Dr. Esber was chosen to provide dentistry to all the athletes at The Ohio State University. This included making a LOT of mouthguards! More importantly, it reinforced to her how important this small, inexpensive appliance is to the oral health of an athlete of any age!

  • NightGuards

    Clenching or grinding your teeth (also called ‘Bruxism’) is very common and often occurs without you even knowing it’s happening. Signs may include tension in your jaw, headaches, or wear to your teeth. A simple, removable nightguard appliance can help protect your teeth from long term damage.

  • Silver Diamine Fluoride

    Site-specific application of Silver Diamine Fluoride (or SDF) is a growing treatment method in the field of dentistry. By combining fluoride's ability to remineralize teeth with silver's antibacterial properties, SDF can help strengthen your teeth and prevent “beginning stage” cavities from growing and spreading to other teeth.